Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: No
Content: [Councillor Charlotte Cornell made a voluntary announcement that she owns a beach hut.] [Councillor Chris Cornell made a voluntary announcement that he owns a beach hut.] [Councillor Alan Baldock made a voluntary announcement that he owns a (non-council) beach hut.] Councillor Mike Sole, Cabinet Member for Finance, introduced the report that set out the key financial issues facing the Council from 2024 to 2027, advised Councillors on key budget assumptions and put forward budget proposals for 2025/26 for consultation. The detailed estimates and consultation responses will be considered by Cabinet on 10 February 2025 and by Council on 24 February, when the budget and council tax for 2025/26 are set. The key points of the reports and appendices were highlighted, and the challenges of maintaining services and delivering a balanced budget in the current climate were acknowledged. The officers involved with the budget proposals and reports were thanked. The Cabinet Member for Finance had met with the leader of the opposition and councillors, and listened to residents, and welcomed further feedback as part of the proposed consultation. It was proposed seconded and when put to vote RESOLVED: a) to endorse the budget assumptions and strategy set out in the report; b) that the public consultation be used to seek views on the significant proposals in Appendices 1 to 4 (as amended to reflect decisions taken at this meeting); c) that for the cost recovery fees and charges (highlighted in amber in Appendix 4), officers are able to further increase or decrease charges during the year by up to 5% if costs vary, in consultation with the Chair of Cabinet. And RECOMMENDED (to Full Council): d) that the Capital Programme for the current year is amended as shown in Appendix 2. Record of the voting: For (9): Councillors Baldock, Dawkins, Dixey, Charlotte Cornell, Chris Cornell, Hazelton, Nolan, Ricketts and Sole Against: None Abstained: None Reason for the decision: The consultation period will be used to obtain views on the options for achieving a balanced budget. The Cabinet will be updated in February.
Date of Decision: November 4, 2024