Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: The purpose of the report is to set out the context and rationale for a recommendation to Cabinet on the future arrangements for the Strategic Partnership between Isle of Wight Council and Hampshire County Council for the provision of Public Health leadership upon the expiration of the current arrangement at the end of August 2025.
Content: That Cabinet agree to not renew the current Public Health Partnership arrangement upon the expiration of the current agreement at the end of August 2025. That authority is delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with Director of Public Health, to explore the following options: a) Appointment of a Director of Public Health with the full service provided wholly in house; b) Seek to enter into a new partnership arrangement with another local authority to share a Director of Public Health and/or specialist posts with no change to the current team provided in-house; with The final structure of the service to be agreed by Cabinet by the end of January 2025 to allow for any new posts required to be recruited before the end of the current agreement. The cost of the structure (new posts and/or partnership arrangement) should not exceed the budget available for the current partnership arrangement funded from the Public Health ringfence grant.
Date of Decision: November 14, 2024