Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: It was resolved that Cabinet: Noted the update in respect of work undertaken to consider options for the Penns Place site; Declared the Penns Place site (as shown in red on Appendix 1) surplus to East Hampshire District Council’s operational requirements and available for disposal; Approved the recommended option as summarised in the Exempt part of the report at Appendix 2, which is to prioritise the disposal of its own landholding while continuing to work proactively with adjacent landowners and stakeholders. Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Operations, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer (s.151) and the Monitoring Officer, to: a. to determine the optimum disposal strategy for the site; b. commission any necessary work to prepare the site for disposal, including but not limited to, consultations (statutory or otherwise), appointment of agents, advisors, and obtaining planning consent; and c. consult with the relevant portfolio holder in respect of the disposal of the asset on the most advantageous term available to the Council having regard to the Council’s statutory duties under s123 of the Local Government Act 1972.
Date of Decision: November 14, 2024