Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: RESOLVED (i) The Director of Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture to work with Fields in Trust to assess the viability of placing Horsham Park into trust under the Fields in Trust scheme. (ii) That a further report be developed for consideration by Cabinet with a final proposal, including the Deed of Dedication if appropriate. REASON To protect Horsham Park as a public open space in perpetuity. ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSDIERED BUT REJECTED AS IDENTIFIED IN THE REPORT Various alternative courses of action have been considered, as summarised below: Do Nothing: - For the period since the park was established, Horsham District Council and its predecessors have managed the site in line with the requirement to “to keep and preserve the open space for the benefit, enjoyment and recreation of the Town and Parish of Horsham forever.” - That said, over the last 50 years, there have been developments in the park, such the Rec Rooms, Pavilions in the Park, car parks etc, and the concern of the Friends of Horsham Park is around whether the park continues to be ‘nibbled in to’. The current approach to the management of the park does not give the confidence to community groups that the site is protected in perpetuity. HDC Policy to Protect the Park - Consideration was given to a Council decision to explicitly protect the park in line with the FIT standards, but retaining all authority for decision making at Council level. Ultimately, any Council policy can be reversed, so this would not meet the standards required. Other Options for protection of the Park: - It is possible that the Park can be protected by other means, for example, by putting the Park into its own charitable trust, by establishing that the park is a village green or by protecting the Park through the planning system by designating it as a Local Green Space. - The Council’s property and commercial lawyers are presently reviewing alternative means of protection and, therefore, owing to the legal complexity associated with different options, it would be premature to comment on the viability of any alternative schemes at this juncture.
Date of Decision: November 20, 2024