Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Finance which sought approval to implement a new local council tax reduction scheme (CTRS) with effect from 1st April 2025 (outlined at Appendix A). Members were reminded that Cabinet had agreed in September 2024 to consult on proposals to amend the current working age council tax reduction scheme. A six-week consultation which closed on 31st October 2024 sought feedback on a number of proposed changes from residents and key stakeholders in order to meet the objectives which were set out in report to Cabinet in September 2024. The changes would make the scheme less complex, enabling greater focus on providing support to the Council’s most vulnerable households. Members’ attention was drawn to the consultation summary outlined in paragraphs 4.8 to 4.13 and the key messages at 4.14. A summary of the consultation outcomes was attached at Appendix B. Councillor Carol Gahan, Cabinet Member for Finance and Legal, led the discussion on the item as proposer and the item was seconded by Councillor Sheila Little, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care. Members welcomed the report and Councillor Little thanked the Revenues and Benefits team, and the Manager, Ian Savigar, in particular, for his work in promoting the consultation exercise and for the thorough and explicit analysis of the outcomes. She felt that increased automation of the application process through Universal Credit would help enhance digital inclusion and provide seamless access to helping prevent people falling into crisis and reduce the risk of homeless. Members also welcomed the freeing up of officer time to enable them to focus on helping residents access the benefits and support they are entitled to. RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL: That the new local council tax reduction scheme as outlined in Appendix A (The Council Tax Reduction Scheme Policy) is adopted as the local council tax reduction scheme for working age claimants in Cheshire West and Chester with effect from 1st April 2025. Reason for Decision The current scheme is complicated for residents to understand and time consuming for the Council to administer. The proposed scheme will be simpler to understand, be fairer to those who are most financially vulnerable, will be easier and less costly to administer. Alternative Options The Council considered an option for no change, but this would result in an additional cost in 2025-26 of £0.6m. In addition, a number of alternative changes were modelled. However, the revised scheme best fits the criteria that the scheme remains cost neutral but is simpler to understand and administer.
Date of Decision: November 13, 2024