Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Director of Transformation and Strategy which outlined the Council’s performance in relation to the missions set out in the ‘Play your part in a stronger future’ Borough Plan 2024-2028. This report focused on performance over the first six months of the financial year, from April to September 2024 and had been considered by Cheshire West and Chester Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 11th November 2024. Members noted that performance was also shared as an interactive dashboard on the Council’s website at: and the dashboard included additional information on performance measures. Members noted graph 1 in paragraph 4.2 which showed that for this mid-year period two, 33 indicators were reporting as green, 8 were amber and 21 were red. They also noted that there were five new measures which had no target set for this year whilst a baseline is established. Members’ attention was also drawn to graph 2 in paragraph 4.3 which showed performance against activity. Councillor Louise Gittins, Leader of the Council, led the discussion on the item as proposer and the item was seconded by Councillor Carol Gahan, Cabinet Member for Finance and Legal. Councillor Gittins highlighted some areas of strong performance around tackling hardship and poverty, improvements in homeless preventions and the number of households in temporary accommodation, resilient people living their best lives, significant regeneration work across the borough and neighbourhood pride. Members acknowledged the continued increased demand and increased complexity both in childrens social care, residential placements and around the completion of EHCPs, noting the additional work and investment going into those areas. Visiting Members: Councillors Lynn Gibbon and Charles Hardy spoke in relation to the item. Members welcomed the new look report, finding it more visual and easy to follow and thanked Morgan Jones, Strategy and Innovation Manager, for all his hard work in producing the report and making it more user friendly. Members also acknowledged the work undertaken around consultations and that council officers go out of their way to encourage responses. They also highlighted the “You said, we did” sections in consultation reports, demonstrating that consultees are listened to and do influence outcomes. Cabinet Members took the opportunity to highlight some of the key headlines, achievements, areas of positive performance and also challenges within their individual portfolios as set out in the report. Members also extended their thanks to teams across the council. DECIDED: That 1) the performance of the Council at mid-year (April to September 2024) against the missions set out in the ‘Play your part in a stronger future’ Borough Plan 2024-28 be noted; and 2) it be suggested that the Council’s four scrutiny committees use the performance information to inform scrutiny work programmes across all committees. Reason for Decision To ensure that up to date performance information is available to enable the Cabinet, wider Members, senior Council officers and the public to understand progress against the Borough Plan. This includes work being undertaken to address any areas of challenge, and to support any necessary discussions about reallocating resources to better achieve the missions set out within the Borough Plan. Alternative Options The report includes recommendations. Members could choose not to approve the recommendations. However, this could adversely impact future performance.
Date of Decision: November 13, 2024