Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: Approval sought on the proposed new merged service model and departmental approach to recommissioning Care Act 2014 eligible care and support provision for adults across the borough. To also see approval for the delegation of authority to the Director for Adult Social Care and Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, and Director of Finance, to award contracts to successful bidders.
Content: Approval sought on the proposed new merged service model and departmental approach to recommissioning Care Act 2014 eligible care and support provision for adults across the borough. To also see approval for the delegation of authority to the Director for Adult Social Care and Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, and Director of Finance, to award contracts to successful bidders. Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Adult Services concerning the borough-wide remodelling of the care and support services within Extra Care Housing and Care at Home services. The commission forms part of an ambitious transformation programme for Adult Social Care over the next ten years. These services support people to live the life they want in their own homes by delivering adult social care services such as personal care and food preparation. Members were informed that the commission proposes merging Care at Home and Extra Care Housing into one contract, an innovative approach which would support the outcomes of the Enabling Great Lives Adult Social Care Strategy as well as creating a more sustainable and financially viable delivery model. This would see the borough organised into smaller care localities centred around the Extra Care schemes and for providers to work on a neighbourhood basis. This would enable more efficient care runs, encourage local employment and reduce car journeys across the borough. Councillor Sheila Little, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, led the discussion on the item as proposer and the item was seconded by Councillor Carol Gahan, Cabinet Member for Finance and Legal. Councillor Little explained that the section of the report entitled “Are there any other options” had been omitted from the published report and she read these out at Cabinet and they are included in the minutes below under “Alternative Options”. Visiting Members: Councillor Gaynor Sinar spoke in relation to the item. In view of the length and detail of the queries raised by the Visiting Member, Councillor Little requested these be submitted in writing to her or via the Clerk and a response would be obtained. Members welcomed the comprehensive report and felt it was an excellent innovative development going forward and a really good example of coproduction and collaboration. Members also acknowledged this was outcome focused care on a locality basis, working in a far more practical way delivering local care to local residents. Members thanked the “Let’s Talk” team for their hard work and enthusiasm in going round the borough and speaking to residents about this innovative development. DECIDED: That 1) the new model for Extra Care and Care at Home as detailed in 4.10 – 4.23 of the report be supported; and 2) the Executive Director for Adult Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and the Director of Finance, be delegated authority to award contracts to successful bidders following a competitive tender process. Reason for Decision As detailed in section 3 of the report (paragraphs 3.1 to 3.8). Alternative Options 1) As noted in section 8.1 of this report, the Council has a statutory duty under the Care Act (2014) to provide care and support for people with eligible care needs under the Act. This commission is key to meeting this legislative obligation. The Council also has a best value duty, under section 3 of the Local Government Act 1999 to secure continuous improvement in the way its functions are exercised. 2) Failure to progress with this commission would risk the Council breaching its duties under the Care Act (2014) as the Council would be operating out of contract with current providers. 3) For the reasons set out above, the option of not progressing with this commission is not recommended.
Date of Decision: November 13, 2024