Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To consider options for the future of property and land on the Shotwick Park estate.
Content: To consider options for the future of property and land on the Shotwick Park estate. Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Operating Officer concerning the disposal of part of Shotwick Park Farms estate, approved by Cabinet on 10th February 2021, and an alternative proposal that the Council instead retain ownership of some of the land at Shotwick Park and develop this site to create woodland and habitat utilising Trees for Climate funding and the creation of Biodiversity Netgain Units. Councillor Carol Gahan, Cabinet Member for Finance and Legal, led the discussion on the item as proposer and the item was seconded by Councillor Louise Gittins, Leader of the Council. Councillor Gahan reported that since the decision in 2021, the conveyancing process had continued but it was then paused whilst further assurances were sought from the buyer in relation to their commitment to deliver the declared intentions for this land and for the Council to further engage with residents to better understand their concerns that the proposals raised. Members further noted that an alternative opportunity had emerged which would enable Shotwick Park to remain in public ownership. In addition, the proposal would support the Council’s ambitions around carbon neutrality by 2045 alongside its nature recovery objectives and helping to grow the Mersey Forest and the wider Northern Forest. Councillor Gahan also explained that over the last 9 months, the Council had explored the potential for an alternative option and had worked with Amion Consultants and Mersey Forest on an ambitious and robust proposal. She confirmed that the Council would work with local residents to develop the proposals and gave reassurance that these proposals would not adversely affect public access to the footpath network on this site and would not affect access to the ancient scheduled monument of Shotwick Castle. She confirmed that further details would be shared with the local community as plans progressed. In addition, Councillor Gahan explained that the buyer who came forward in 2021 had written to the Council offering to withdraw his offer and this had been evaluated by the Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer. This withdrawal offer has now also been published by the buyer on his website. Councillor Gahan also outlined the short term financial challenges this would bring, however she also cited that in the medium and longer term there would be access to value from the proposals in the future. In addition, the proposals allowed for greater certainty and a real opportunity to work with the community going forward. Visiting Members: Councillor Charles Hardy spoke on behalf of Councillor Simon Eardley and Councillor Adrian Waddelove spoke on behalf of Councillor Gill Watson in relation to the item. Councillor Eardley also spoke himself after arriving during the item. Members welcomed the report and very much supported the alternative proposal, whilst acknowledging the time it had taken to get to this position. They reflected on projects such as Frodsham Woodlands, Hook Wood and the Countess of Chester Country Park where the community had very much worked alongside the development of schemes as part of coproduction. Member also acknowledged the division which had been created within the community and felt this alternative proposal was an opportunity to heal those divisions. Whilst Members noted the information provided in the confidential Appendix 3, they confirmed they did not need to discuss its contents and there was no requirement to move the meeting into Part B private. Following discussion, Members considered additional recommendations in relation to engagement with the local community and the Parish Council going forward as the project developed and also in relation to ensuring archaeological aspects of the area were taken into consideration. These additional recommendations were accepted and are reflected in the decision below at 6) and 7). DECIDED: That 1) Cabinet’s decision to dispose of the farmsteads (i.e. houses and buildings) of Shotwick Lodge and Parkgate House Farms as shown on the plan at Appendix 1, and these are surplus to requirements, be reaffirmed and the Chief Operating Officer be delegated authority to agree detailed terms for such disposals; 2) other than the land identified in (i) it no longer wishes to dispose of the land at Shotwick Park identified for disposal as agreed on 10 February 2021 and such land being retained by the Council be confirmed; 3) the ‘Establishment of Woodland – Shotwick Park’ report in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 be noted; 4) the land identified in (ii) above be used for the establishment of woodland in accordance with the principles contained in this report and the Chief Operating Officer be delegated authority to take all necessary action to implement such decision (including but not limited to the appropriation of the land from farms use to woodland use); 5) the Chief Operating officer be delegated authority to accept and utilise any linked external grant funding (trees for climate) that can be secured through the appropriation and onward usage of parts of the site as woodland; 6) there be engagement with the local community and Saughall and Shotwick Park Parish Council going forward as the project develops; and 7) there be engagement with the Chester Archaeological Society when developing proposals, in conjunction with the Council’s own Archaeological team. Reason for Decision The recommendation sets out above proposes an alternative to that previously agreed with Cabinet, considering the Council’s aspirations within the Borough Plan to provide Greener Communities. The difference the Council has committed to make is a carbon neutral borough by 2045 or earlier and 150 hectares of new tree planting a year. It is acknowledged that the previous decision in relation to this land would have contributed to these outcomes. Retaining the land, however, allows these benefits to be maximised by retaining a public interest, and the land itself can be utilised to take advantage of future opportunities that contribute to our greener communities whilst contributing a grant receipt to be utilised to deliver the wider vision of the Borough Plan. It is considered that the proposed recommendation delivers a preferred way forward when considering a robust strategic, economic, commercial, financial and management case, as set out in the supporting document (See Appendices 2 and 3). Alternative Options An alternative option has previously been explored and an assessment has been made factoring in this option, current proposals and in some cases maintaining the status quo. It is considered that the recommendation of this report represents the best way forward for the site following that assessment.
Date of Decision: November 13, 2024