Decision Maker: Council
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: 1. Based on the findings of the consultation, the council does not recommend the adoption of a town council for the whole of the unparished area of Whitstable, nor does it recommend an alternative boundary for a smaller town council covering Gorrell and Tankerton wards. 2. The town council does not represent the best interests of the community in light of the a. support by respondents for the council’s draft recommendations in the second stage consultation; b. rejection of the proposal by a majority of respondents in the first stage consultation; c. concerns raised by residents about the additional cost associated with a town council precept; d. lack of support for an additional layer of governance. 3. The council will explore the possibility of strengthening community engagement with local groups, within the constraints of existing capacity and resources. It does not however recommend any formal changes to the existing governance arrangements. 4. The conclusion of the review, based on the responses to both stages of the consultation, is that the most effective and convenient form of governance is a continuation of the existing arrangements.
Date of Decision: October 24, 2024