Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: No
Content: Consideration was given to a report which provided Cabinet with the outcome of the tender process carried out to identify an operator to manage Gateshead Leisure Centres and to support the Community Physical Activity Partnership. Additional commercially sensitive information was also provided to Cabinet in relation to this matter, under item 16 on the agenda, which was exempt from the press and public. RESOLVED (i) The award of a 10-year contract (with an option to extend for a further 5 years) to Tenderer A to commence on 1 April 2025, be agreed; (ii) Delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance be authorised to finalise the contractual arrangements with Tenderer A. The above decision has been made for the following reasons: (i) To deliver leisure services at a lower cost than could be achieved by the Council delivering the service directly, without reducing the quality of the provision and leading to the sustainability of the service for the next 10 – 15 years; and (ii) To ensure a robust and comprehensive contract is implemented between the appropriate parties.
Date of Decision: November 19, 2024