

Decision Maker: Executive, Council


Is Key Decision?: Yes

Is Callable In?: Yes

Purpose: To receive the report of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel on Members’ Allowances.

Content: To receive the report of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel on Members’ Allowances. The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council the implementation of a new scheme of Councillor’s allowances, having taken into consideration the Independent Remuneration Panel’s recommendations, as amended by the Executive and set out below:   An increase in Basic Allowance to all 50 councillors from £5,844.84 to £6,200.06 (resulting in a total increase of £17,753) Remove the current tax-free status of the first £633 from the basic allowance. (no financial impact to the Council) That the roles of Chair of Scrutiny Committees, Chair of Planning Committee and the Principal Opposition Leader be enhanced to 100% of the Basic Allowance (resulting a total increase of £8,956) That the roles of Political Group Leaders be introduced at Tier 6 but that this would only be payable if they were not undertaking another SRA role (resulting a maximum increase of £8,184.08 for the 4 groups but in 24/25 would be nil) That the current percentages to the Tier system be updated to demonstrate clarity and transparency. Delegate authority to the Joint Strategic Director Legal & Governance and the Strategic Director Finance & Resources, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to finalise the scheme position in relation to Dependent’ Carers’ Allowance, ensuring compliance with the best value duty and all other relevant legal obligations placed upon the Council. That co-optees to the Council receive 5% of the Basic Allowance for their duties (an increase of £620). Tthe revised table in 11.2 (circulated).  

Date of Decision: November 26, 2024