Decision Maker: Executive Member for Communities and Safety
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: The Allotment plot rental fee was last set in 2014 and took effect in 2015. Although inflation costs have increased over the last nine years, the rent that allotment plot holders pay to the Council has not changed over that period. It is proposed that annual rents are increased proportional to nine years inflation (33.47%), resulting in rents being raised from £104 and £52 to £138.81 and £69.40 for full and half plots respectively. It is considered a fee for what a tenant may reasonably be expected to pay for the land for use as an allotment. It is proposed that the Council continues to provide a 50% discount for people over the age of 60. This report requests approval to undertake public consultation on the proposed rental charge increase.
Content: The Allotment plot rental fee was last set in 2014 and took effect in 2015. Although inflation costs have increased over the last nine years, the rent that allotment plot holders pay to the Council has not changed over that period. It is proposed that annual rents are increased proportional to nine years inflation (33.47%), resulting in rents being raised from £104 and £52 to £138.81 and £69.40 for full and half plots respectively. It is considered a fee for what a tenant may reasonably be expected to pay for the land for use as an allotment. It is proposed that the Council continues to provide a 50% discount for people over the age of 60. This report requests approval to undertake public consultation on the proposed rental charge increase. 1. That the commencement of a public consultation regarding the proposed allotment plot rental charge increase, be approved. 2. That once the consultation period has closed Officers will review responses and make recommendations to the Executive Member for Communities and Safety asking for approval to make any change to the rental charge. 3. That the decision be classified as urgent for reasons set out in the report and the call-in period be waived. The proposed Allotment rental charge increase protects the delivery of the service, enabling the Council to continue to provide quality allotment sites for people to grow their own food. This proposal would enable the Council to maintain staffing levels and continue with maintenance of the allotment sites (repairs to infrastructure etc.). Approval to publicly consult on the proposed changes to allotment rental charges will allow this proposal to be considered as part of the Council Budget 2025/26, noting that the earliest any change to the current rental charge would take effect would be from 1st April 2026. The rental charge review considered a number of rental charge options. The rental charge proposal proposed for consultation in this report has been determined as the most equitable. If approval to consult is not given, then the proposed allotment rental charge increase cannot be enacted. Failure to increase the allotment rental charge to what a tenant may reasonably be expected to pay for the land for use as an allotment will risk the provision of quality allotment sites for people to grow their own food, impact on staffing levels and the continued maintenance of the allotment sites (repairs to infrastructure etc.).
Date of Decision: November 30, 2024