

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Housing and Advice


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: Yes

Purpose: Trafford is currently experiencing unprecedented homelessness with a significant increase in need for Temporary Accommodation (TA) and Bed and Breakfast (BnB) placements.   As of 11th November 2024, HOST had 112 households in BnB, 22 in Airbnb and 84 in TA. This has increased significantly since 2022/23, which is creating a substantial budget pressure for the Council.   There is now an urgent need to increase the number of TA units available to reduce the placements into BnB/AirBnB and in partnership with Stepping Stone Projects, Trafford can increase this provision of TA by an additional 10 units located in the borough.

Content: Trafford is currently experiencing unprecedented homelessness with a significant increase in need for Temporary Accommodation (TA) and Bed and Breakfast (BnB) placements.   As of 11th November 2024, HOST had 112 households in BnB, 22 in Airbnb and 84 in TA. This has increased significantly since 2022/23, which is creating a substantial budget pressure for the Council.   There is now an urgent need to increase the number of TA units available to reduce the placements into BnB/AirBnB and in partnership with Stepping Stone Projects, Trafford can increase this provision of TA by an additional 10 units located in the borough. 1)    That the content of the report be noted. 2)    That the procurement of 10 properties with Stepping Stone Projects as use as supported homeless accommodation, be approved. The proposal to use 10 additional properties as TA with Stepping Stone Projects, at an annual revenue cost of £80k, will provide a significant saving to the Council and reduce its BnB and spend overall.  In addition, taking adequate steps to provide more suitable TA will help avoid households having to access BnB in an area often outside of the borough and with a lack of cooking facilities or adequate space. Aside from the practical difficulties that this avoids, the emotional wellbeing that having settled accommodation gives, particularly to children, cannot be underestimated. An option would be not to procure the additional homeless units. This would mean that the costs associated with BnB placements would increase and, in some circumstances, may result in an increase in rough sleeping in Trafford.

Date of Decision: November 25, 2024