

Decision Maker: Director of Place (Julian Jackson)

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: To prevent parking and improve visibility for both pedestrians and vehicular movements at Mottram Road, Broadbottom.

Content: That it be DETERMINED that: 1.       Permission is given under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to advertise a Prohibition of Waiting Order and a School Entrance Prohibition of Stopping Order at Mottram Road, Broadbottom. 2.       Any unresolved objections will be reported at a future Speakers Panel (Planning) meeting. If the proposals to introduce waiting restrictions are subsequently approved, then a legal Order will be made to reflect the decision. To prevent parking and improve visibility for both pedestrians and vehicular movements at Mottram Road, Broadbottom.

Date of Decision: December 2, 2024