Decision Maker: Executive
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: No
Content: The Executive was reminded that two stages of roof repair works had previously been agreed as part of the ongoing planned preventative maintenance works for the Square Shopping Centre, Camberley. A report was considered requesting that authority be delegated to award a contract for the third phase of roof repair works, the funding for which was already included in the capital programme. The report also requested authority to install PV panels on the roof as part of this phase of the works. The cost of the PV panels could be incorporated without increasing the costs of the maintenance budget and would generate a return on investment. The electricity generated would be used for the operation of the common areas of the Centre, with any surplus sold back to the grid. RESOLVED (i) that authority be delegated to the Head of Property and Economic Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic & Income Development and the Strategic Director Finance & Customer Services to undertake a procurement process to select and appoint contractors for the phase 3 roof works and to design and installation photovoltaic panels at a budget of no more than the amount set out in the exempt report including fees and contingency; (ii) to note that the photovoltaic panel project budget (as set out in the exempt report) is an extension of the scope of the planned preventative maintenance programme. However, following a review; as described below, the additional costs can be absorbed without increasing the overall budget for the 5 year programme; and (iii) to note that the grant application via Empty Homes Fund may provide funding, to a value specified in the exempt report, for the photovoltaic panel project.
Date of Decision: November 19, 2024