Decision Maker: Executive
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: No
Content: The Executive considered a proposal to provide a Changing Places Unit within Camberley Town Centre. The proposal reflected a change to building rules in England ensuring compulsory inclusion of Changing Places Toilets in new public buildings (12m2 in size) and well-equipped accessible toilet facilities designed and built into new public buildings, from 2021. The facilities could be used by people with profound and multiple learning disabilities or with physical disabilities, who often needed extra equipment and space to allow them to use public toilets safely and comfortably. Members were informed that the proposed Changing Places Facility would be located on the Ground Floor of Main Square Car Park. This would be close to allocated disabled parking bays and the entrance into Princess Way shopping amenity. It would be accessed using a Radar key and would be accessible out of hours. It was reported that the UK Shared Prosperity Funding allocated by the Council for town centre enhancements in December 2023 would fund this project, as the proposal complied with the UKSPF criteria that included improvements to town centres and high streets, including better accessibility for disabled people. RESOLVED that authority be delegated to the Head of Property and Economic Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic & Income Development and the Strategic Director Finance and Customer Services (Chief Finance Officer) to enter into a contract for the necessary work to construct a Changing Places Facility and associated works at a budget of up to the amount set out in the exempt report, including fees and contingency within the Main Square Car park as identified in Appendix 2 to the agenda report. Note 1: In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor Shaun Garrett declared a non-pecuniary interest as he was a trustee of Surrey Heath Age Concern whose Rainbow Café was adjacent to the site for the Changing Places facility. Note 2: It was noted for the record that Councillor Shaun Macdonald declared that a member of his family was disabled.
Date of Decision: November 19, 2024