

Decision Maker:

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Visitor Information Centre The Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended that Cabinet consider: ·       The building being made available for an alternative income generating use. ·       What provision can be made to continue a tourist information service – be that through an enhanced online presence, electronic information boards or physical leaflet stands at prominent locations within Cromer such as the Pier and other visitor attractions. ·       Relocation of the current Deep History Coast display housed within the North Norfolk Visitor Centre to a suitable alternative location, possibly Cromer Museum.   MTFS The Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed support for the proposed steps to close the gaps within the MTFS. It also made the following recommendations to Cabinet: 1.     To take a twin track approach to savings, looking not only at those that can be achieved within 2025/26 but also those with a longer lead in time to ensure savings are progressed into 2026/27 and beyond. 2.     The awaited Workforce strategy be used to help understand staff costs arising from use of part time and hybrid working and agency staff cover to explore scope for greater efficiency savings. 3.     A Workshop be arranged to understand options around statutory and non-statutory service provisions and to explore and evaluate options for beneficial changes. Action Cllr Shires.   Budget Monitoring O&S noted the contents of the report and the current forecast year end position and recommended that: 1.     Officers to work to further reduce the overall projected General Fund deficit for 2024/25 2.     In respect of item 7 below, the Estates Team to explore the most cost-effective materials options (in addition to rethatching) for the re-roof of the Collectors Cabin with competitive quotes and that the budget for the work should be up to £30,000.   The Overview and Scrutiny Committee supports Cabinet seeking approval from Full Council in respect of the following: 3.     to include an addition to the revenue budget of £13,000 for an addition to existing Exacom software as laid out in paragraph 4.8.1 4.     to include a permanent increase to the revenue budget of £34,000 for an additional member of staff in the Licensing Team as detailed in paragraphs 4.8.2 to 4.8.5. This will be funded from the ring-fenced licencing income. 5.     to include an additional capital budget of £22,000 to complete the Cromer Offices LED lighting project. This is to be funded from the Net Zero Initiatives reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.2 6.     to include an additional capital budget of £5,600 to pay the retention sum for the Crinkle Crankle Wall and that this is funded from the Major Projects Reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.3 7.     to include an additional capital budget of £30,000 to rethatch the Collector’s Cabin roof and that this is to be funded from the Asset Management reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.4 8.     to include an additional capital budget of £23,400 to develop the customer services C3 software and is to be funded from the Development Plan reserve. as detailed in paragraph 5.4  

Date of Decision: December 2, 2024