Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To approve 2 year direct awards for 5 mental health supported housing contracts in order work with our health colleagues to address the insufficiency of the supply compared to the demand for the services
Content: That exempt Appendix 3 is not for publication under paragraph 5 Schedule 12A Local Government Act 1972 Access to Information Exempt Information on the ground that it contains information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings. To approve the direct award of five contracts to continue provision by the incumbent providers for a period of 24 months with effect from 1st October 2024, at a maximum cost of £4,037,576 as set out in Table 2 below. This report requests approval to direct award five contracts for mental health supported housing services for two years to the organisations as set out in Table 1 below. This will enable officers to work with health colleagues to address sufficiency and capacity issues. Once completed the pathway can be remodelled and new services procured. As described in the report.
Date of Decision: November 28, 2024