

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: For Cabinet to be appraised on a proposal to set up a fund up to £1.2 million to invest in 1-bed accommodation from the market to help support our housing duties.

Content: For Cabinet to be appraised on a proposal to set up a fund up to £1.2 million to invest in 1-bed accommodation from the market to help support our housing duties. Members considered the Property Purchase report presented by Councillor Hoy.   ·         Councillor Mrs French said she assumed the properties would be spread across the district rather than located in one town or village. Councillor Hoy agreed that ideally they would be spread across the whole of Fenland. ·         Councillor Tierney asked if Councillor Hoy could clarify the use of these properties, being aware there may be a public assumption that they would be for the benefit of asylum seekers. Councillor Hoy responded that the purpose was to meet local housing needs, assisting people with a local connection to Fenland, some of whom may currently be in B&B accommodation. She confirmed that the scheme is not to house asylum seekers. ·         Councillor Miscandlon asked if the scheme could be extended to 2-bedroom properties to accommodate some families who might otherwise be placed in a B&B. Councillor Hoy replied that there is now less demand for families as the Council has a statutory duty to move them on faster and has been working with housing associations to free up their properties for families. Also, local authority housing fund monies were received where the focus has been on 2–3-bedroom properties for families, hence the current emphasis on 1-bedroom properties for single person accommodation.   Proposed by Councillor Hoy, seconded by Councillor Mrs Laws and AGREED to:   ·         Set aside up to £1.2 million from reserves to purchase up to 10 x 1-bed properties from the market and to delegate to the Leader and Section 151 Officer the funding of such purchases. ·         Consult with the Leader, Portfolio Holder for Assets and Portfolio Holder for Housing on any proposed purchase. ·         Delegate any increase needed to the £1.2 million to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Leader, Portfolio Holder for Assets and Portfolio Holder for Housing.

Date of Decision: November 15, 2024