Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: To update members on the issues surrounding the current and continued occupation of the car park at Chapel Road, Wisbech following previous instructions given to officers at a Cabinet meeting on 15 July 2024 (minute CAB10/24 refers) and subsequent negotiations with the National Trust and the receipt of enhanced legal advice.
Content: To update members on the issues surrounding the current and continued occupation of the car park at Chapel Road, Wisbech following previous instructions given to officers at a Cabinet meeting on 15 July 2024 (minute CAB10/24 refers) and subsequent negotiations with the National Trust and the receipt of enhanced legal advice. Members considered the Renewal of Operational Lease in Wisbech report presented by Councillor Mrs French. Councillor Mrs French thanked officers for trying to get this resolved over the last twelve months. Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows: · Councillor Hoy thanked Councillor Mrs French and officers for their very important work on the car park. She is interested in the National Trust position regarding fairs. In respect of the repair costs, she would suggest a piecemeal approach, undertaking work that is legally required only due to their astronomical costs. She would like to reassure the public and the Showmen’s Guild that the Council wants to keep fairs and will not discuss sites without speaking to them first. All three suggested sites need exploring, the next fair is due in March but by the end of January a location should be known. · Councillor Tierney said that Councillor Hoy has been a huge champion for the importance of this car park. It plays a prime role being located so closely to a doctors’ surgery and local shops; it is busy, well-used and we run the risk of losing it. Meanwhile, the fair remains important to Wisbech and agrees that the public must be consulted. However, there are not many places it can go, and each area will have its supporters and detractors so once the Council gets a good idea of what is best supported then work can be done to make that happen. · Councillor Mrs French agreed the costs of repairs are outrageous and she would look to officers to gain realistic costings for the works that are necessary. · Councillor Hoy suggested that Councillor Tierney work with the Communications Team regarding consultation with the public on future locations for the fair. · Councillor Boden asked Councillor Mrs French if she will be willing to look with officers at the conditions of termination of the proposed lease as compared with conditions of the lease being held over to ensure the Council gets the best deal. He agreed the amount of money in terms of repair and upgrading are eye watering. It is essential to keep tables on the capital expenditure and whilst works need to be done to keep the car park in a safe condition, it does not have to be gold-plated. Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Hoy and AGREED to: · Note the update on lease negotiations as reported · Approve the lease terms as now reported and authorise the Head of Property, Assets and Major Projects in consultation with the S151 Officer and Portfolio Holder for Revenues, Benefits and CPE to complete the required legal documentation. · Give a steer on the capital works referred to in Section 2 for inclusion in the draft budget for 2025-26 which was for essential spend only.
Date of Decision: November 15, 2024