

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: This report presents the opportunity to apply for grant funding to the Football Foundation (FF) of approximately £375,000 to secure investment to construct two PlayZone small-sided multi-sport pitches in Whittlesey and Wisbech.   The report seeks Cabinet approval to apply for the grant funding with an expectation of support from grants from FCC COMMUNITY ACTION FUND and Wisbech Town Board. However, it should be noted that if the additional supporting grants were not available then the project would require alternative capital funding of up to £62,500 per facility.   If the funding applications for either or both sites were successful, the report asks Cabinet to approve all necessary construction and operator procurement activity to deliver the PlayZone sites.   This report highlights what a PlayZone is, the positive impacts they can have on local communities and the opportunity that Fenland has to develop PlayZones within the District with significant Football Foundation financial and organisational support.    

Content: This report presents the opportunity to apply for grant funding to the Football Foundation (FF) of approximately £375,000 to secure investment to construct two PlayZone small-sided multi-sport pitches in Whittlesey and Wisbech.   The report seeks Cabinet approval to apply for the grant funding with an expectation of support from grants from FCC COMMUNITY ACTION FUND and Wisbech Town Board. However, it should be noted that if the additional supporting grants were not available then the project would require alternative capital funding of up to £62,500 per facility.   If the funding applications for either or both sites were successful, the report asks Cabinet to approve all necessary construction and operator procurement activity to deliver the PlayZone sites.   This report highlights what a PlayZone is, the positive impacts they can have on local communities and the opportunity that Fenland has to develop PlayZones within the District with significant Football Foundation financial and organisational support.     Members considered the Development of PlayZone Projects report presented by Councillor Miscandlon.   Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows: ·         Councillor Miscandlon said that he had been very impressed by the project, having visited a PlayZone site in Peterborough; it is a potential community asset for the whole of Fenland and will likely also be utilised by people from outside the area as it is that good. ·         Councillor Boden asked if Councillor Miscandlon could comment on the length of the pitches. Councillor Miscandlon said when visiting the Peterborough site, he was informed by managers of the facility that they had mistakenly shortened the pitch by 1metre. If extended by a further metre, it would have qualified as a games pitch for Netball England to be able to hold competitions. Therefore, the longer pitch length has been added to the criteria for Fenland in order to qualify for that additional asset.  ·         Councillor Boden asked Councillor Miscandlon to explain that 75% funding is available and the further 25%, being £62,500, would need to be found for each of the pitches. Councillor Miscandlon responded that the funding stream is being sought so there should be very little, if any, cost to the Council.   ·         Councillor Hoy said she was not happy to read that the project may be cancelled if match funding sources decline to provide support. She believes £62,500 is very good value for money in terms of how these pitches and sport in general do wonders for young people and has been particularly effective for those who are hard to reach. It will be great if the money can be obtained from elsewhere, and she does not know if the Wisbech Town Board will say yes, but it would be sad not to go ahead on the project and she would like to see this come back to Cabinet if that was the case. ·         Councillor Boden confirmed the proposal requires 25% external funding to be found but not necessarily from the sources listed within the report. There are other sources that could be looked at, but he agreed that it should come back before Cabinet for further discussion if the remaining 25% could not be found. However, this will mean it will have to be considered along with all the other financial pressures and requests of the Council.   ·         Councillor Mrs Laws stated that she agreed with all that had been said so far, this would be a missed opportunity and PlayZones provide much needed safe spaces for children. ·         Councillor Mrs French welcomes the report but noting the proposed locations of Whittlesey, Wisbech and March asked if this meant nothing would be provided for Chatteris. Councillor Miscandlon responded that Chatteris is not currently designated, but this is a light touch proposal and may be selected in the future. Councillor Mrs Laws agreed that Chatteris should be explored as an option. ·         Councillor Mrs French asked if there is something under Section 106 that applicants can be asked the possibility of funding this. Councillor Boden answered it is theoretically possible but in practice he would rather find external funding. Care must be taken to fulfil the requirements of specific S106 agreements, and the money cannot just be allocated to something else. ·         Councillor Tierney stated his support for the proposal, it ticks all the boxes in terms of community benefit and such an intervention can make such a difference to people’s lives.   Proposed by Councillor Miscandlon, seconded by Councillor Mrs Laws and AGREED to:   1.    Note the report and the benefits that PlayZone development in Fenland will have, namely:   ·         Increasing community physical activity levels and subsequently community health ·         Encouraging under-represented groups such as women and girls, disabled people and older people to become more physically active ·         Supporting a reduction in anti-social behaviour ·         Supporting community cohesion   2.    Approve the submission of a grant funding application to the Football Foundation to develop PlayZone sites with the initial tranche of two PlayZone project applications based at the Manor Field in Whittlesey and Barton Road in Wisbech.   3.    Note that the necessary alternative sources of match funding will be pursued.    4.    Delegate authority to the Corporate Director, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Environment and Leisure to commence a procurement exercise to engage a contractor to deliver the PlayZone sites and thereafter, subject to full funding having been secured, award, mobilise and implement such proposal with further authority to take all reasonable ancillary actions to ensure implementation.   5.    Authorise the Monitoring Officer to execute and complete all requisite legal documentation in relation to the matters outlined above.   (Councillor Hoy declared that she has met with the Football Association about the development of PlayZone projects but has an open mind and will take part in the debate).

Date of Decision: November 15, 2024