Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: To brief members on the options available in relation to the future use of the open space land located at North Drive, March (“North Drive”) and as edged red on the plan at Appendix 1, as a community facility.
Content: To brief members on the options available in relation to the future use of the open space land located at North Drive, March (“North Drive”) and as edged red on the plan at Appendix 1, as a community facility. Members considered the Proposed Use of Land at North Drive, March for Community Uses report presented by Councillor Murphy. Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows: · Councillor Tierney commented that whilst the proposals are good, he is drawn to the skate park. This area of March is high on the deprivation index and if members get behind the project it delivers a strong message that the Council is investing in young people. · Councillor Mrs Laws said the Platinum Jubilee Wood is in her ward. It has been successful but that is because it is in the right location, on FDC owned land, and cannot be developed for anything other than a planted area. It is maintained by a strong voluntary group with a constitution and many good consultants offering their time freely. There are daily visits by volunteers who gather any uncollected fruit to prevent rotten food attracting vermin. It requires a lot of planning so is not as straightforward as planting an orchard. She is inclined to agree that more focus needs to be given to young people in the area. Her concern is that a community orchard in the location of North Drive may be misused and attract antisocial behaviour, but the location should be fully scrutinised before anything is done. · Councillor Miscandlon agreed with Councillor Tierney and Councillor Mrs Laws, saying the Jubilee Wood is a beautiful place but took a lot of planning. Meanwhile the youth need to let off steam. In his view, he does not think North Drive is the right location for an orchard and supports the skate park. · Councillor Hoy said that there are two community orchards in Wisbech. One is in the park and in her view that is a terrible location, it is poorly used and blocks a number of key facilities. The orchard on Lynn Road is well used and a lot of projects are undertaken there. Councillor Hoy said that members are being asked to note the report and then decide which of the options presented they would like officers to explore further. The outcome of the vote showed a unanimous preference for the skate park. Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Miscandlon and AGREED to note the report and as there is a clear preference for the option of exploring a skate park, officers are instructed to undertake a more detailed assessment in relation to this option and bring this information back to Cabinet for further discussion. (Councillor Boden declared an interest by virtue that he is a trustee of FACT and retired from the room for the duration of this item, taking no part in the discussion and voting thereon). (Councillor Mrs French declared an interest and retired from the room for the duration of this item, taking no part in the discussion and voting thereon). (Councillor Seaton declared an interest by virtue that he is a trustee of FACT and retired from the room for the duration of this item, taking no part in the discussion and voting thereon).
Date of Decision: November 15, 2024