Decision Maker: Housing Committee
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: R E S O L V E D – that: A. a budget of £8,154,000 be approved. B. authority be given for officers to commence the process of appropriating the land from housing to planning purposes in accordance with section 122 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972. C. authority be provided to the Deputy Chief Executive: i. to sign a memorandum for the scheme stating in each case that the land is appropriated from housing to planning purposes; ii. at the appropriate time, to sign a memorandum for the scheme stating that the land is appropriated from planning purposes to housing. D. authority be delegated to the CEO in consultation with the Council’s relevant group leaders (as detailed in Standing Order 46 of the Council’s Constitution) to procure and award a contract for the proposed development to the most economically advantageous tenderer, subject to the outcome of the planning process and construction costs being within the approved budget. E. the above approval to proceed includes the appointment of any other specialist consultants and surveyors to act for, or advise, the Council and the commissioning of necessary reports to take the schemes forward through to completion, all subject to the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
Date of Decision: November 14, 2024