

Decision Maker: Council

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: Consideration was given to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive detailing the proposal for the renewal of the Community Skips Scheme. This was a late item that the Council agreed to take at the meeting.   Before the debate began it was proposed and seconded that Standing orders 4.1-4.15 be suspended as the report had been late to be presented and it could have been presented to the Policy and Organisation Board as the need for it was longstanding. The suspension of Standing Orders would allow for the report to be introduced by the Deputy Chief Executive.   A recorded vote was requested for the item and a vote was taken as follows.   Proposed suspension of Standing Orders 4.1-4.15.   For the proposal: Councillors Casey, Hayes, Huggins, Jessop, Namdeo, Philpott, Raffaelli, Scard. (8)   Against the proposal: Councillors Ballard, Bradley, Bradley, Brown, Chegwyn, Cox, Cully, Finn, Herridge, Hutchison, Hylands, Johnston, Kelly, Maynard, Westerby, The Mayor. (16)   The motion was lost.   Members reiterated that it would have been known that the contract was ending and that the report should have been presented sooner. It was also advised that there had been an increase in fly tipping in the last year and that the spending was on a service already provided by Hampshire County Council.   The Council was advised that the figures for recycling stated by TJ waste were not accepted by the DEFRA and that the Leader of the Council should not be involved in contract discussions.   It was agreed that the recommendation had to include the Leader of the Council in finalising the discussion be removed.   Concern was expressed that the cost of the scheme was increasing year on year and that up to £780000 was being spent on a service already provided by the County Council. Members also sought confirmation of what recycling credits were received by TJ Waste as they would also receive an income from them.   Some Members felt that it was an unnecessary criticism of a scheme that was popular and was a lifeline for those without cars.   Members debated that the County Council was considering closing some Waste Recycling Centres, but it was also highlighted that the Centre in Gosport had never been under threat.   It was requested that a recorded vote be taken on the recommendation as amended.   For the recommendation: Councillors Ballard, Bradley, Bradley, Brown, Chegwyn, Cox, Cully, Finn, Herridge, Hutchison, Hylands, Johnston, Kelly, Maynard, Westerby, The Mayor. (16)     Against the recommendation: Councillors Casey, Hayes, Huggins, Jessop, Namdeo, Philpott, Raffaelli, Scard. (8) RESOLVED: That full Council 1.    Notes the contents of this report 2.    Approves the continuation and funding of the community skip scheme and delegates authority to the Borough Treasurer and Deputy Chief Executive to award the renewal contract to the successful bidder following the completion of the current tender process.          

Date of Decision: October 16, 2024