Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: The Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive submitted a report to provide Cabinet with an update on the progress that is being made to rejuvenate the Fleetwood seafront site including the Marine Hall and Fleetwood Leisure Centre. Also, to seek approval of the Fleetwood Waterfront Leisure Masterplan 2024 (FWLM) and approve development of the business case for the projects outlined in the FWLM as a next step including accessing grant funding. Councillor Vincent introduced the report. He highlighted that he visited the Marine Hall and Fleetwood Leisure Centre last week for a tour. Councillor Duffy mentioned that the FWLM looked great and stated the importance of tourism. Councillor Vincent responded to questions from Councillor Duffy. These covered the following issues: If the business cases would be brought back separately for each stage or would it be one business case. If there would be any further consultation for the public to comment. Regarding the beach huts, Councillor Vincent confirmed that he would not proceed with any permanent residential, however, short-term lets was something to consider but the council would need to consult on that. Councillor Vincent stated that the Marine Hall had potential and wanted to make it a place where people travel to from the local area. Decisions Cabinet agreed: To approve the FWLM, as set out at Appendix 1. To authorise the Director of Communities to enter into a Grant Funding Agreement (GFA) with Lancashire County Council (LCC) for a £50,000 grant from the Lancashire Economic Recovery and Growth Fund (LERG) to enable the further development of the projects identified in the FWLM. To authorise the release of £50,000 from the earmarked Value for Money reserve to support the next steps of the FWLM and provide the necessary match funding to any LERG grant award.
Date of Decision: November 27, 2024