Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: The Committee received for information the regular report on complaints and compliments for the period 1 July – 30 September 2024. Officers reported that in respect of complaints, more detailed data in Jadu was helping to inform the reports, whilst assuring Members that the system itself gave different views to different Corporate Heads in order to maintain data integrity. Officers advised, that as predicted, making the system easier for complaints to be logged using the external and internal forms had seen an increase on quarter 1 of 2024/25 from 46 to 70. However, compared with 54 in Quarter 2 of 2023/24, it was agreed this was not dramatically different. Members appreciated the comparative data, without having to refer back to previous reports. Members noted the headline statistics that 52% at stage 1, and 25% of complaints had been upheld in Quarter 2 of 2024/25, with a fair proportion at the time of writing the report being either overdue or had not yet reached their target date The Committee noted that the data was presented in the way the Ombudsman would require from April 2026, and agreed the Council was in a good position to use the next year or so for the code and reporting data to become part of normal processes. Members welcomed the new format of the report with illustrations. Officers advised they were working with colleagues in Digital Services to extract the average number of working days to respond to complaints following acknowledgement at stages 1 and 2, as this would also be required under the complaint handling code. Officers also reported additional data extracted from Jadu, including the number of service requests, external complaints, and where a general response had resolved a complaint without recourse to the relevant Corporate Head. This had been carried out by Customer Services to assist the Corporate Heads who had been working with the new system, which for some had been very time consuming. They were thanked for their engagement with the new processes which was very helpful. This was particularly evident in reporting service improvements. Corporate Heads when completing the process were asked to identify these. The Committee agreed they provided useful data as to how lessons could be learned and best practice shared. Officers reported that the option to choose to deal with what initially identified as a complaint as a service request had been positive, meaning people did not have to wait for something relatively straightforward to be dealt with more formally if it resolved matters more promptly. Officers were monitoring the situation to help ensure that genuine complaints did not get downgraded without interaction with the person that had submitted a form. Officers advised that in order to better track equalities needs the field in jadu had become mandatory to indicate if reasonable adjustments had been requested and made. In respect of compliments, Members noted 10 for Quarter 2, compared with 15 in Quarter 1 and 29 in Quarter 2 of 2023/24. Some very positive comments and feedback across the business centres had been received. Officers confirmed that they would continue including the Chair when circulating certificates to staff in receipt of compliments. Officers were thanked for their report which was duly noted.
Date of Decision: November 28, 2024