Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: The Committee noted positive progress with the Internal Audit Programme for 2024/25. It was reported that 18% of 2024/25’s plan was complete, 59% was in progress with the remaining 23% due to start shortly in line with the agreed timetable. Members were pleased to note that a reasonable level of assurance had been attained in the Climate Change audit, and that the four recommendations made had not yet reached the target date. Substantial assurance had been the outcome for the Non-Statutory Best Value Notice programme. There were three ‘legacy’ target dates due to be implemented by the end of the year. Details of the Meals at Home recommendations were provided. A Member commented positively on the new HR system being used to provide a single central record to allow for oversight and monitoring of critical records such as DBS checks. There were two adjustments to the plan. Firstly, the Corporate Head of Environmental Services was thanked for attending the meeting to explain why the audit regarding compliance with the Environmental Act 2021 for waste and recycling had been put back; sensibly to await the incoming Operations Manager for the DSO and to await statutory guidance which was currently still at draft stage. Officers reported that the Tree Safety Audit was now complete and the auditors draft report would be considered shortly. Secondly, and in respect of Cyber Security Training and Awareness, Members were advised that following the completion of the ITIL Assurance Mapping review, the IT contingency time had been allocated to a review of the aforementioned training in Quarter 4 instead of Quarter 2. In line with the Forward Plan, Officers from SIAP would bring an update to the next scheduled meeting of the Committee in January 2025. The report was duly noted and Officers thanked for their report and positive engagement with Officers and the Committee, noting the Chair had met with SIAP earlier in the month.
Date of Decision: November 28, 2024