Decision Maker: Executive Director Health and Social Care (Sarah Smith) and Executive Director Resources (James Duncan)
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to seek approval, in accordance with Contract Procedure Rule 9.1.3 (k) to seek an exemption from Contract Procedure Rule 7 (tenders) and award a contract without competition to Progress Housing Association Limited for Telecare Installation and Response Service. The reasons for the decision are, as required by Contract Procedure Rule 9.1.3 (k) k. Any other exceptional circumstances. The following circumstances are considered exceptional justifying the awarding of a contract without competition: • Nationally the way that telecommunications are provided is changing from analogue to digital. This means analogue equipment will not work reliably on digital networks. Most telecommunications providers will complete the switchover by December 2025, but one of the largest providers, BT Group Plc has delayed this to 31 January 2027. For the Council to change its’ telecare services provider before all devices are switched to digital is considered to increase the risk of service failure which could put vulnerable people at risk. The Council is, therefore, replacing analogue devices with digital devices to reduce this risk as digital devices will work on both analogue and digital networks. The Council expects to have transferred all devices to digital by December 2025 and then will complete a tender exercise replace this service from May 2026. • The Council is reviewing the way it uses technology to enhance the way that social care services are delivered. The review is scheduled to be completed in late summer 2025, with a tender opportunity being published in early 2026. The proposed contract dates for this direct award align with this timetable.
Content: The purpose of this report is to seek approval, in accordance with Contract Procedure Rule 9.1.3 (k) to seek an exemption from Contract Procedure Rule 7 (tenders) and award a contract without competition to Progress Housing Association Limited for Telecare Installation and Response Service. The reasons for the decision are, as required by Contract Procedure Rule 9.1.3 (k) k. Any other exceptional circumstances. The following circumstances are considered exceptional justifying the awarding of a contract without competition: • Nationally the way that telecommunications are provided is changing from analogue to digital. This means analogue equipment will not work reliably on digital networks. Most telecommunications providers will complete the switchover by December 2025, but one of the largest providers, BT Group Plc has delayed this to 31 January 2027. For the Council to change its’ telecare services provider before all devices are switched to digital is considered to increase the risk of service failure which could put vulnerable people at risk. The Council is, therefore, replacing analogue devices with digital devices to reduce this risk as digital devices will work on both analogue and digital networks. The Council expects to have transferred all devices to digital by December 2025 and then will complete a tender exercise replace this service from May 2026. • The Council is reviewing the way it uses technology to enhance the way that social care services are delivered. The review is scheduled to be completed in late summer 2025, with a tender opportunity being published in early 2026. The proposed contract dates for this direct award align with this timetable. By Executive Director (Resources): (i) That an exemption from Contract Procedure Rule 7 (tenders) be permitted, in accordance with Contract Procedure Rule 9.1.3 (k), for the award without competition, of the Technology Enabled Care Support Services contract for the provision of a telecare installation and response service. By Executive Director (Health and Social Care): (ii) That a contract be awarded without competition to Progress Housing Association Limited for Technology Enabled Care Support Services for the period 5 December 2024 to 18 May 2026. (iii) That the Procurement Team be authorised to make the necessary arrangements for the issue of the relevant contract documentation. Do Nothing: This option was considered and rejected because the current contract will cease which could put vulnerable people at risk if they are unable to raise an alert should they require urgent support. Deliver in house: This option was considered and rejected because the Council does not currently have the capability or capacity to deliver this service. Seek Competition (Quotation / Tender): This option was considered and rejected because of the increased risks associated with changing provider during the analogue to digital switchover. The programme of switching from analogue to digital is a large logistical undertaking which would be further complicated if a change of provider was also being undertaken. This could increase the risk to vulnerable people during the transfer period. To reduce this risk the Council is working to replace all analogue devices by December 2025 as these devices will work on both analogue and digital networks. The direct award period is however requested for a longer period to May 2026 to complete a tender exercise. Contract Modification (Quotation / Tender): This option was considered and rejected because there is no option to extend the current arrangement within the existing contract and the proposed contract value for the new contract exceeds more than 50% of the current contract’s original value so would not have been compliant with Public Contract Regulations 2015.
Date of Decision: November 28, 2024