Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Housing and Highways
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To provide an update of the delivery of the first Phase of the Les Transformation de Southport Public Realm scheme and to seek an amendment to the Transportation Capital Programme to increase the budget allocated to this scheme with a corresponding reduction elsewhere in the Programme.
Content: To provide an update of the delivery of the first Phase of the Les Transformation de Southport Public Realm scheme and to seek an amendment to the Transportation Capital Programme to increase the budget allocated to this scheme with a corresponding reduction elsewhere in the Programme. Decision(s): (1) a budget virement within the Transportation Capital Programme to increase the scheme budget for Les Transformation de Southport Phase 1 from £5.273m to £6.265m and a reduction in the budget allocated to the A59 Corridor and Kenyon’s Lane junction improvement scheme in Maghull from £5.799m to £4.813m be approved; and (2) the progress of the development of the project to delivery stage be noted Reason(s) for the Decision(s): The aspiration to deliver high quality public realm and accessibility improvements in Southport Town Centre, under the title ‘Les Transformation de Southport’, was deemed a key element of the range of measures that secured Town Fund money. Alternative Options Considered and Rejected None
Date of Decision: December 9, 2024