

Decision Maker: Cllr Phil Cowen, Executive Member for Finance, Revenue and Benefits


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: Yes

Purpose: Authorisation to release funding for the Litcham Relief in Need Charity who wishes to spend the remaining S106 funding on increasing security measures to protect the village allotment rainwater harvesting stations at Dereham Road, Litcham (see full report attached).  It was secured under Section 106 Agreement dated 10th October 2014 in relation to Planning Permission 3PL/2013/1111/O.

Content: Authorisation to release funding for the Litcham Relief in Need Charity who wishes to spend the remaining S106 funding on increasing security measures to protect the village allotment rainwater harvesting stations at Dereham Road, Litcham (see full report attached).  It was secured under Section 106 Agreement dated 10th October 2014 in relation to Planning Permission 3PL/2013/1111/O. Breckland Council authorises the release of the remaining funding £627.73 from the Recreation Contribution held by the Council in accordance with a Section 106 Agreement dated 10th October 2014, in relation to Planning Permission 3PL/2013/1111/O, towards the increased security measures to protect the village allotment rainwater harvesting stations at Dereham Road, Litcham. This work is consistent with the requirements within the S106 Agreement as detailed above.    It is recommended that delegated authority is granted to release the remaining funding of £627.73 from the Recreation Contribution held by the Council in accordance with S106 Agreement dated 10th October 2014 under planning application 3PL/2013/1111/O for these works to the Allotments, Dereham Road, Litcham. ·         Fully fund the application as set out in the report ·         Do nothing

Date of Decision: December 10, 2024