Decision Maker: Cllr Tristan Ashby, Executive Member for Health and Communities
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: Authorisation to Release Funds from the Communities Spark Fund - December 2024
Content: Authorisation to Release Funds from the Communities Spark Fund - December 2024 That the following Spark fund grant award totalling £500 is approved Litcham Jubilee Hall CIO - Warm Space Soup Lunchwould take place during January, February and March 2025, the Litcham Jubilee Hall committee members would like to open the refurbished village hall for a few hours on a weekday afternoon each month and invite members of the local community to come and have a free warming bowl of soup with a roll, a piece of cake and a hot drink. These events will be open to all members of the community, but specifically aimed at those who may be having to limit heating and cooking in their own homes due to costs or are feeling isolated and lonely. This will provide an opportunity for residents to socialise in a warm space, chat and catch up with others and hopefully develop friendships and a support network that will expand during, and outside the sessions. · To grant the award · Not to grant the award · To award a different amount
Date of Decision: December 6, 2024