

Decision Maker:

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: RESOLVED:   That Schools Forum agreed the proposal to continue to move 0.5% from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block in 2025-26.  That Schools Forum agreed the proposal to balance the schools individual budget shares by applying a cap to year on year pupil increases if necessary.  That Schools Forum agreed with growth added into the schools budgets for new and growing schools where new classes were being added but were not yet in the October census.  That Schools Forum agreed with the Growth Fund Budget proposal to cover additional classes in schools in 2025-26.  That Schools Forum agreed with the proposed central schools services block expenditure.  That Schools Forum agreed Option 2 in respect of trade union facility time de-delegation (£7.93 with the reduction of the service by a quarter).  That Schools Forum agreed Option 1 in respect of the School Improvement Grant de-delegation (continuing the previous rate of £5.50).  That Schools Forum agreed with the proposal for the continuation of the redundancy fund de-delegation at an unchanged rate of £4.00.  That Schools Forum agreed with the continuation of the notional SEND calculation and policy.  That Schools Forum agreed that where a school had an exceptional premises cost, it should be added to their individual schools budget.   

Date of Decision: December 11, 2024