Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: Councillor Ross Houston, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Homes and Regeneration introduced the report. The Leader proposed an amendment to recommendation 4 which was seconded and agreed by Members as set out below. DECISION: It was therefore RESOLVED: Noted the contents of the report. Noted the Third Phase Proposal (paragraphs 1.15 and 1.16) is currently under development and will be brought in detail to a future Cabinet meeting. Delegated authority to the Director for Housing, Economy & Placemaking to utilise the London Construction Programme framework contract or any other such public sector procurement framework, to deliver the Council’s highways works on the BX scheme, subject to compliance with all statutory requirements and the Council's contract procedure rules (paragraphs 1.35 – 1.38). There is a substantial history of Committee and Cabinet authorities for the Project Agreement dating back to 2015. Cabinet agreed that the attached chronology (drawn up by the Council’s External Lawyers) evidences the variations set out in appendix 1 that will impact the Project Agreement. In relation to the Retail Park (paragraphs 1.45 - 1.48), Cabinet: Approved the updated Asset Management Strategy for the Retail Park, as outlined in the accompanying exempt appendix. Approved an extension to the Next lease, on the principal terms set out in the accompanying exempt report, and to delegate other relevant legal documentation which gives effect to that proposal including any non-material variations to the terms, to the Executive Director of Growth in consultation with the Leader Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Growth in conjunction with the Leader to agree terms and legal documentation with other tenants, which enable the Council to implement further leasing initiatives (including those referenced in the accompanying exempt report) that support the new Retail Park Asset Management Strategy. The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.
Date of Decision: December 5, 2024