Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: Cabinet received a report presenting the final version of the Responsive Repairs and Maintenance Policy for approval following consultation with tenants and leaseholders. A summary of the feedback was provided in the report and it was noted that the majority of respondents stated that the respective Tenant and SBC responsibilities were clear. Members were pleased to note that easy read versions of the Policy had been produced and that the wording had been amended in relation to tenant and landlord responsibilities. It be RESOLVED: 1. That the outcomes from the consultation with tenants and leaseholders on the Repairs and Maintenance Policy and how this is reflected in the final version be noted. 2. That the inclusion of a recharge policy for missed appointments by tenants which aligns with the compensation payable to tenants for missed appointments by the Council be approved. 3. That subject to recommendation 2 above Cabinet approve the Responsive Repairs and Maintenance Policy attached at Appendix A to the report. 4. That it be noted that the Policy will become effective from 1 January 2025 and that this will be publicised on the Council’s website. Reason for Decision: As contained in the report. Other Options considered:As contained in the report
Date of Decision: December 11, 2024