Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: Cabinet were pleased to receive a report concerning the on-site inspection of the Housing Service by the Regulator of Social Housing which took place in September 2024, following which the Council had received a very strong C2 grading. The Leader thanked all the officers involved in the inspection as well as the Portfolio Holders for Housing and Resources for their involvement in the inspection which had involved a substantial amount of work. It was noted that throughout the Country only one Local Authority had achieved a C1 rating and only nine had received a C2 rating. Members congratulated all those involved. Improvement Plans were in place for those areas identified for improvements in the Service and a further meeting in the new year would take place with the Regulator to develop a provider improvement plan with the aim of moving the Council to a C1 grading when the next inspection took place in 4 years time. It was RESOLVED: 1. That the Regulatory Judgement of a C2 Grade issued by the Regulator of Social Housing on the 27 November 2024, following a proactive planned inspection of Stevenage Borough Council, as a Registered Social Landlord be noted. 2. That the ongoing work in place which will include actions to ensure continuous improvement to address both the areas of improvement required as part of the inspection process but to also complete the improvement plans already in place as considered by the Regulator as part of their Inspection be endorsed. 3. That delegated authority be given to Strategic Director (RP) after consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing to develop and approve a Provider Improvement Plan with the Regulator for Social Housing. 4. That the Executive Housing Working Group receive progress updates on the planned improvements on a bi-monthly basis. 5. That the efforts of the Leader, Members and Officers be congratulated for the achievement of a C2 grade and the strong level of assurance of the housing service that this judgement provides. Reason for Decision: As contained in the report. Other Options considered:As contained in the report
Date of Decision: December 11, 2024