Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: Cabinet received a report and presentation on the Corporate Performance for Quarter 2. The Leader of the Council thanked the Chief Executive and the Strategic Leadership Team working alongside the Cabinet and Members more broadly for their work to deliver continuous improvements in the Council’s performance. He was also pleased to report that there were no red indicators this quarter. Cabinet was advised that although it was recognised that there remained room for further improvement in relation to the Tenant and Customer Satisfaction Measures, the reports performance measures were encouraging. The Tenants Satisfaction Measure improvement work would be driven by the Action Plan resulting from the recent Housing Inspection. In relation to the Key Corporate Plan areas, the following comments were made: · Alongside ongoing efforts to secure best value, the Council must continue to work to ensure the accessibility of all parks, play areas and open spaces to all groups across the community including adults with learning disabilities; · In relation to automated debt messaging, it was important that the wording in any automated messaging used by the Council reflected the SBC values. Officers agreed that this would be looked at to ensure the messages were in line with the Council’s values; · Members were pleased to see the illustration of the Ellis Avenue development which was in keeping with the surrounding area; · In regard to the Oval development, the consultation with residents and engagement activities had been extensive and welcomed by residents. It was RESOLVED: 1. That the service performance against 52 corporate performance measures and delivery of key milestones in Quarter 2 2024/25 through the Making Stevenage Even Better Programme (Appendix A) be noted. 2. That the performance improvements in relation to rent collection (section 4.3.2) be noted. 3. That the introduction of three new measures in relation to Fire Remedial Actions be noted (section 3.5). 4. That the strategic risk updates (section 4.7) be noted. Reason for Decision: As contained in the report. Other Options considered:As contained in the report.
Date of Decision: December 11, 2024