

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions Records

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content:   Resolved: That the extension to Interim Legal Services Manager up until 31st March 2025 or as soon as a start date is confirmed for the permanent LSM be approved.     The post of LSM has been advertised and successfully recruited to. Given the notice and employment checks the successful candidate is not able to commence his post until February/March 25. The current interim LSM has given notice of his departure and leaves on 3rd January 2025.  In view of the need to maintain stability and continuity the current Lawyer has been given a short-term contract for 3 months or as long as it takes to get the recruitment process confirmed. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will be able to commence around the end of February/March after which time the individual will revert to their interim post of a Lawyer. : Not to extend however this would have a negative impact on the delivery of key legal projects.

Date of Decision: December 5, 2024