

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: Yes

Purpose: A Cabinet decision is required to approve a five year Library Strategy. The report will outline the how the library service will achieve council priorities and meet the needs of customers over the next five years.

Content: Resolved:   That Cabinet approve the Library Strategy 2025-30.   Reason for Decision: The results of a Local Government Association Peer Challenge in July 2023 recommended a strategy be developed so the library service could continue to innovate and adapt to meet the future needs of people living, working and studying in Wiltshire.   The potential impact of demographic, budgetary and environmental changes in the future means a clear framework is required to focus delivery and ensure the statutory requirements of the library service are maintained and delivered in a cost-effective way.   By articulating the vision, purpose and priorities of the library service over the next five years the strategy will ensure the service remains relevant and able to deliver on the national and local priorities a public library is there to support.  

Date of Decision: December 10, 2024