Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: This report provides an annual update looking back at progress made in 2023/2024 to make the council a fairer and more inclusive employer, and also includes the gender, ethnicity and disability pay gap reports for 23/24, with recommended actions to focus on going forward.
Content: 1) That Cabinet notes the report and progress made to date. 2) That Cabinet agrees the data-driven approach to prioritise actions and allocate resource where there is greatest need, as set out in the report, for example, to improve the experiences of disabled staff and better understand the impacts of different intersecting identities. 3) That Cabinet notes the proposal set out at paragraph 3.13 to explore the collation of socio-economic background data to provide further insight ahead of the government’s proposal to enact the socio-economic duty of Section 1 of the Equality Act 2010.
Date of Decision: December 5, 2024