

Decision Maker: Officer Decision

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: The Council needs to secure an approved audit firm to conduct the review of our housing pooled capital receipts return for 2023/24. This needs to be concluded by the end of December 2024.   This service has been provided by Grant Thornton in the past. They have provided a fixed quote of £10,000 to complete the 2023/24 audit and submit their response to the DLUHC, which is similar to previous years.   There is also a very limited supply of Audit firms to carry out this work with availability to complete this return to deadline – as the vast majority of Audit Firms are focused on the backlog of Statement of Accounts audits. Budget provision exists for this as part of the External audit budget.

Content: The Council needs to secure an approved audit firm to conduct the review of our housing pooled capital receipts return for 2023/24. This needs to be concluded by the end of December 2024.   This service has been provided by Grant Thornton in the past. They have provided a fixed quote of £10,000 to complete the 2023/24 audit and submit their response to the DLUHC, which is similar to previous years.   There is also a very limited supply of Audit firms to carry out this work with availability to complete this return to deadline – as the vast majority of Audit Firms are focused on the backlog of Statement of Accounts audits. Budget provision exists for this as part of the External audit budget. To exempt from market testing under paragraph 3.10.2 of the Contract Standing Orders to award this £10,000 contract to Grant Thornton.   Reason: This is in the best interest of the Council, given Grant Thornton are familiar with IBC’s working papers and can complete the audit in the short time available. To not appoint an auditor to make the deadline may result in a breach of the guidelines and possible financial loss.

Date of Decision: November 20, 2024