Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: That the following be agreed: 1) To procure, award and enter into a contract / contract(s) to undertake retrofit, cyclical, planned, voids and reactive works to Winchester City Council owned housing properties within the parameters set out in this report and to delegate authority to the Strategic Director to conduct the procurement exercise and to finalise and agree the terms of the contract(s). 2) To incorporate and design a dialogue phase(s) within the procurement procedure as permitted under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015). 3) To use the Competitive Dialogue Procedure under PCR 2015 to carry out the procurement. 4) To ensure best value, adopt a 60:40 (quality:price) evaluation model with a quality bias (60%). 5) To commission following the satisfactory completion of the procurement exercise a Term Alliance Contract to be awarded to a single provider for an initial term of up to 10 years with an option to extend for a further 5 years. 6) To agree to evaluate tendered prices using the Optimum Price model rather than a lowest price model. 7) To approve the use of the Term Alliance Contract TAC-1 (as amended) form of contract for the HRA repairs and maintenance contract.
Date of Decision: November 20, 2024