Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Content: 1. That the draft HRA Business 30-year Plan for 2024-25 to 2053-54 metrics shown in Appendix 3 and current 5 year projection at Appendix 1 be noted. 2. That the business plan pressures identified in the 2024/25 business planning exercise as outlined in paragraphs 11.26 and 11.36 of report CAB3478, totalling £1.986m be noted. 3. That the budget options outlined within report CAB3478 and detailed at Appendix 2 be approved as a basis for consultation to inform the February budget setting. 4. That the reallocation of £0.25m from the one off investment budget set in the previous business plan be approved to meet actions arising from our self assessment of our consumer standards compliance and service improvements identified. 5. That the continuing strategy for New homes based upon a mixture of actively acquiring s106 affordable housing directly from developers alongside future development with grant funding and using Right to Buy resources be noted. 6. That the current financial viability assessment for new build from para 11.15 to 11.25 of the report be noted. 7. That it be noted that a revenue savings target of £2m has been set to assist with bridging the forecast gap in financing future capital expenditure. 8. That the proposed timescale for asset disposals be noted, and that Barnes House disposal has been reconsidered for proposed use as Temporary Accommodation. 9. That it be noted that based on the September 2024 CPI figure of 1.7% that the average formula rent increase for 2025-26 for all affordable and social housing will be 2.7%. 10.That it be noted that the budget in October announced a consultation for future rent settlement between now and December, which indicates preference for CPI+1 for 5 years into the future, and approve the application of this principle in the business plan model to mitigate the cost of new build developments and reduce long term debt burden to the HRA once the outcome of the consultation is known. 11.That continuing full cost recovery in tenant service charges in 2025/26 be approved and it be noted that charges will generally reduce following a softening of energy prices. 12.That it be noted that there is an ongoing workstream on the re-procurement of the repairs and maintenance contract. The Business plan provides for this to happen over the following two years at a provisional one-off cost of £0.4m in 2024/25, and estimated £0.3m in 2025/26.
Date of Decision: November 20, 2024