

Decision Maker: Council


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: RESOLVED That  (i)    subject to the receipt of advice satisfactory to the Section 151 Officer and Members from King’s Counsel with respect to the Council’s Chief Financial Officer’s Statement of Responsibilities for the Statement of Accounts and the position of Members in relation to this, Full Council approves and submits the accounts to the External Auditors, BDO, in line with the statutory backstop requirements noting that this is done in the knowledge that they are based on the accounting policies and practices of the time and the information that was available at that time, additionally noting that this recommendation is made on the basis that (a)         the Council’s Section 151 Officer’s via his explanatory statement to Full Council on 26 September 2024, has confirmed that the accounts are based on the best information available and the policies and conventions in place for the year that the specific accounts refer to; and (b)         Officers have confirmed that there are no further matters relevant to the above accounts as of the date of this meeting  [4 December 2024] that should be brought to the Committee’s attention.”          (ii)   the accounts for the financial year 2022/23 are approved and submitted to the Council’s external auditors, BDO, in line with the statutory backstop requirements, noting that this is done in the knowledge that they are based on the accounting policies and practices of the time and the information that was available at that time, additionally noting that: (a)     the Council’s Section 151 Officer, via his explanatory statement to Full Council on 26 September 2024, has confirmed that the accounts are based on the best information available and the policies and conventions in place for the year that the specific accounts refer to; and (b)     Officers have confirmed that there are no further matters relevant to the above accounts as of the date of the Full Council meeting on 12 December that should be brought to the attention of members; and (iii)  it be noted that the Audit and Governance Committee (in respect of the final accounts for years 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22) and the Council’s Section 151 Officer (in respect of the final accounts for the year 2022/23) have themselves noted the support of the Commissioners in the approach taken.

Date of Decision: December 12, 2024