Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: Resolved- That having considered the Application for Review; all valid representations made by the parties to the hearing: valid written representations received during the statutory period, the published statement of licensing policy and relevant statutory guidance; the Panel, on the evidence which has been heard, is not satisfied that the Licence Holder has the ability to promote the licensing objectives. Therefore, the Panel determined that the Premises Licence be revoked in respect of a premises licence for Ela Polski, 105 Oak Lane, Bradford, BD9 4QU. Reason – That, in light of the evidence presented by West Yorkshire Trading Standards Service, the Panel considered that revocation was the only appropriate and proportionate approach to address the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety and the protection from harm. To be actioned by: Assistant Director Waste, Fleet, Environmental Health & Licencing Services
Date of Decision: December 12, 2024