Decision Maker: Director of Public Health and Communities
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: Permission is granted by the Director of Public Health and Communities to commence procurement of the Stop the Start: Young People Stop Smoking and Vaping Support and Education Programme via a request for quotation to three providers in the market. The initial term of the programme will be 18 months from 1st March 2025 to 31st August 2026, plus an optional extension of up to 18 months. The total value across the maximum 3 year term is an estimated £80,000. The purpose of this service is to provide a combination of educational sessions and support interventions to help and support young people, aged 11 to 17 years, to quit smoking and vaping as well as preventing others from starting smoking and/ or vaping. The successful provider will work closely with schools and other community-based services to ensure the efficient and effective sign up of young people wishing to access the programme. A clear set of outcomes has been determined to allow the recording of baseline data, determined at local level, and to produce a pre and post programme set of quit rate data. Measuring the data set by home and school postcode will also allow for quit smoking and vaping rates to be determined by decile and, post programme, provide a final data set showing any reduction in smoking and vaping rates. This will address two key areas: local need and equitable access to services. As well as, enabling monitoring of the effectiveness of the service in reducing health inequalities. Option One: Approve the procurement of the Stop the Start: Young People Stop Smoking and Vaping Support and Education Programme via an invitation to submit a quotation in writing to at least 3 Candidates. Option Two: Do not approve permission to procure Stop the Start: Young People Stop Smoking and Vaping Support and Education Programme in Cumberland. Option Three – To approve one element of the programme and not the other. For example, the Education Sessions and not NRT Intervention or vice versa.
Date of Decision: December 16, 2024