Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: Decision of Cabinet to sell land valued in excess of £400,000
Content: RESOLVED that i. the sale of the land at South Road identified in Appendix A is approved. ii. Authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Property in consultation with the Executive Director Resources and s.151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer to legally complete the transfer and the sale of the land on the terms provisionally agreed in restricted Appendix B. i. The sale of the land to the proposed developer enables the planning application under reference 23/00767/FUL for the erection of 226 dwellings to be granted subject to the completion of the requisite s106 Agreement. ii. The land at South Road is considered to have a negligible amenity value and its sale at the provisionally agreed price represents a significant uplift to its existing use value. iii. The current planning decision for the proposed development includes a proposal for 50% affordable housing units and for this reason the council is minded to treat with the proposed developer. i. Not agreeing to the sale of the land would result in the conditionality within the current planning application for 226 dwellings being undischarged and the planning decision to grant could not be implemented in the immediate future. ii. The proposed developer indicated that should the council not agree to dispose of its land for the secondary access which it requested on grounds of optimum scheme layout it would amend the scheme to a single access point off the TRL roundabout and apply under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to revise the scheme accordingly and this scenario is reflected in the provisionally agreed price between the proposed developer and the council. This would be costly for the proposed developer and time consuming thereby delaying the development including the provision of affordable housing. None
Date of Decision: December 10, 2024