Decision Maker: Executive Director of Economy, Environment and Infrastructure
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: Following an evaluation of the contract options in relation to the council’s Term Maintenance Service requirements, to extend the term of the council’s existing contract with Ringway Infrastructure Services by exercising a 4 year extension (2+2 based on performance) under the contract from 1 April 2026. Gloucestershire County Council has a requirement to undertake highways maintenance services including safety inspections, defect repair, drain cleansing, environmental maintenance. Alongside these duties, the Term Maintenance Contract also delivers both capital and revenue works including highways infrastructure, major highways projects, highway structural maintenance, minor works alongside other highways disciplines. A contract for the delivery of Highway Maintenance Services is required to maintain the council’s highway service.
Content: Following the conclusion of an options evaluation process and having consulted with the Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, the Chief Finance (s151) Officer and the Monitoring Officer, in accordance with the above-mentioned Cabinet decision on 18 September 2024: DECISION To extend the term of the council’s existing Highways Term Maintenance Service contract with Ringway Infrastructure Services by exercising an extension of up to 4 years (2+2 based on performance) under the contract from 1 April 2026.
Date of Decision: December 11, 2024