Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: At the Cabinet Meeting of the 17th November 2022 the Cabinet received a report outlining proposal for a second Cardiff Housing Partnership, it was resolved at that meeting that: • approval in principle be given to the implementation of a second Cardiff Housing Partnership Programme including the commencement of a procurement exercise to appoint a development partner. • Approval be given to the list of development sites currently proposed to be included within a second partnership programme and approval that more suitable sites can be added into the programme, subject to complying with financial parameters including viability assessments and working within the HRA Business plan. • authority be delegated to the Corporate Director for People and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet member for Housing and Communities, to manage all matters relating to the procurement process including agreeing the procurement route, agreeing the parameters and delivery model of a second partnership programme, agreeing the procurement documents, agreeing the evaluation criteria and the evaluation of the bids. • It be noted that a subsequent report will be presented to Cabinet following the conclusion of the procurement process seeking approval to appoint the preferred Bidder
Content: At the Cabinet Meeting of the 17th November 2022 the Cabinet received a report outlining proposal for a second Cardiff Housing Partnership, it was resolved at that meeting that: • approval in principle be given to the implementation of a second Cardiff Housing Partnership Programme including the commencement of a procurement exercise to appoint a development partner. • Approval be given to the list of development sites currently proposed to be included within a second partnership programme and approval that more suitable sites can be added into the programme, subject to complying with financial parameters including viability assessments and working within the HRA Business plan. • authority be delegated to the Corporate Director for People and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet member for Housing and Communities, to manage all matters relating to the procurement process including agreeing the procurement route, agreeing the parameters and delivery model of a second partnership programme, agreeing the procurement documents, agreeing the evaluation criteria and the evaluation of the bids. • It be noted that a subsequent report will be presented to Cabinet following the conclusion of the procurement process seeking approval to appoint the preferred Bidder Appendix A, B, & C and parts of Appendix F to this report are not for publication as they contain exempt information of the description contained in paragraph 14 and 16 of Part 4 and paragraph 21 of Part 5 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 RESOLVED: that 1) the procurement process for the appointment of a preferred bidder for the Cardiff and Vale Housing Partnership (CVHP) be noted. 2) the outcome of the Competitive dialogue procurement process which identifies the preferred bidder be noted and the appointment of the preferred bidder identified in Exempt Appendix A as our development partner for the CVHP be approved. 3) the list of specific development sites to be included within the partnership programme be approved to enable a defined development pipeline for the life of the partnership. 4) authority be delegated to the Corporate Director People & Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities to conclude all matters arising from this report required to conclude the appointment of preferred bidder, including: a. Approve the final contract wording and enter into the Partnership Agreement for the whole programme with the preferred bidder. b. Subsequently enter into (pursuant to the terms of the Partnership Agreement) Pre-Contract Services Agreements, Construction Contracts and Development Agreements (as the case may be on a site-specific basis) and any other ancillary contracts or agreements as sites are drawn down in line with Site Approval Process set out in Exempt Appendix D following all necessary due diligence and confirmation that the scheme is within viability parameters.
Date of Decision: December 12, 2024