Decision Maker: Director of Environment and Sustainability
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: This report seeks to gain approval of the extension of Camden Council’s diffusion tube monitoring 2024/2025 contract. This service will provide comprehensive air quality data across the borough which can be used to protect public health and inform decision making.
Content: This report seeks to gain approval of the extension of Camden Council’s diffusion tube monitoring 2024/2025 contract. This service will provide comprehensive air quality data across the borough which can be used to protect public health and inform decision making. THAT the Director of Environment and Sustainability: 1. Notes the performance of the contract in 2024, which has seen the successful delivery of air quality monitoring to date. 2. Approves the extension of the contract/s for a period of 1 year for the sum of £75,000.00 (£150,000.00 in aggregate)
Date of Decision: December 12, 2024