Decision Maker: Cabinet
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: To provide members with an update on the serious cashflow issue caused by ever-increasing demand and cost outstripping High Needs Dedicated Schools Grant government funding.
Content: RESOLVED that Cabinet: - (a) Noted the actions taken to date to seek government advice, support, and guidance as to how the Council can set a legally balanced budget for 2025/26. (b) Noted the work undertaken by Children’s Services to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the SEND service to manage demand and cost. (c) Agreed that the Leader should write again to the Deputy Prime Minister requesting an urgent meeting and a solution to the cashflow challenge that the Council faces. (d) Agreed that the Chief Executive and Director of Finance should write formally to the Permanent Secretary, MHCLG, drawing her specific attention to the cashflow challenge and potential solutions. (e) Request officers to bring forward details of which of the options listed in section 28 of the report will need to be enacted to ensure the Council can set a legally balanced budget for 2025/26. Voting: Unanimous Portfolio Holder: Finance Reason To ensure that Cabinet are kept abreast of a potential existential threat to the financial viability and sustainability of the council.
Date of Decision: December 10, 2024